

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Evaluating Course

  • Something that i liked about this class is that we get to use computers and that it's not boring we also get to have free time and most of the others classes don't provide us with that. 
  • Something that i dislike about this class is that we have to do statements that really don't got nothing to do with what we are suppose to be learning here. 

  • Instead of doing Student Success Statement we should be able to choose a quote that benefits us and write about what it's trying to tell us . Other than that this class is the best one . 
  • No, i didn't really do my best in this class because i know that i could do alot better if i set myself to it. 

  • When i have free time i read and make more goals in my life planning notebook , but not as often as am suppose to.

  • I am committed to been a CTR person because i know that doing good things will only bring better things into my life . Therefore i am committed do doing my best and been a CTR person.

  • I will promise to take in responsibility for my body,mind, and spirit because i know that it's not only beneficial for the people around me but also more than anyone for myself. 


My Show Case Experience 

During my Show Case night i wasn't looking forward to it because i didn't want to come after school , cause that was my free time but i didn't go that bad . Okay, so after school i went home and changed i fixed my hair and headed back to school . My parents were still not ready so i told them to meet me up at school. But when i got to school i realized that my parents needed to sign in , so i had to wait for them . When they finally arrived we headed to our assigned class which happened to be Mr.Garcia. My group and i practiced what we were going to say for a little and then the teacher told us that it was time to present . When we walked in the classroom parents and the panel were waiting for us. We set up our power point and the first person introduced themselves and the rest of us followed . That been set , the first person who was introducing our topic started talking and then so on did the rest of us . We had some technical difficulties with our power point but when we concluded our presentation the panel didn't have any questions or concerns . One of the parents told us that having these show case in high school was a great thing to do because that way we could get used to talking in front of people we don't know, that been done the panel told us that we did a good a good job. Finally the teacher said that we were free to go and said have a good remaining of the day and ill see you guys tomorrow. For a moment i actually enjoyed doing this but the next moment i was nervous , Hpiam is a great academy because they teach us that your here for a reason but maybe the greatness just hasn't happened within us but we sure are on our way to a successful career thanks to the teachers , staff and principals .  


Student Success Statement 

" When i do good , i feel good. 
When i do bad, i feel bad."

-Abraham Lincoln 


Two examples i can give just by looking at this quote is that when you get into a fight at school or anywhere else , your going to end up feeling guilty because you know that it was wrong but you still did it. But on the other hand , you saw something getting bullied and you stood up for them because you wanted to help them , your going to feel good about it because you know it was the right thing to do. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014



The video showed that you must obey your parents because they tell you to do certain things for your own good , so you won't get hurt . I think that what the clip video tried to tell us is that , if you do what's right there is no possibility that anything will go wrong but if you try to do things that your parents tell you not to do there is a bigger chance that something will happen to you because you aren't following to what your parents told you to do . 


Student Success Statement

" Always do right."

- Mark Twain 


Reflection: I think that this quote is trying to tell us that you always have to do whats right even in wrong situations.

Friday, December 5, 2014

 When you tell one lie it leads to another
 When you tell one lie , it leads to another .               So you lie and lie without even trying . 
so you tell two lies to cover each other.                           And each lie you tell keeps multiplying.
Then you tell three lies, and Oh brother!                        till the whole wide world will know that your
You're in trouble up to your ears!                                    lying.
So you tell four lies to protect you .                                 Then you'll be
So then you tell five lies so folks wont suspect you.       Suspected
Then you tell six lies and you've collected a                  detected
life full of fears.                                                               neglected
Cause you can't remember how many lies you told.       disliked
And half the things you say aren't true.                          And, Oh you should.
And sometimes you'll slip up, you'll trip up then          When you lie. closing the door on everything
whatever will become of you.                                        good.
So you lie and lie without even trying                             -Paul Hatch
And each lie you tell will keep multiplying
'Till the whole wide world will know you're lying
Then you'll be
And you should!
When you lie, you're closing the door
On everything good. 


Student Success Statement

" When you tell one lie it leads to another"

Paul Hatch

Always speak the truth

I think that this quote is trying to tell us that if you tell one lie your gunna need to say another one to cover up the first one, and no matter how big the lie is , its still considered a lie. 

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Student Success Satement

1. Can people trust me to do what's right?
2. Am i committed to doing my very best?
3. Do i treat people the way i want to be treated?

" If the answer to these questions is YES, then there is no way you can fail."

- Lou Holtz

I think that what this quote or saying is trying to let us know is that if you answered those questions to a yes there is no way you can't overcome a challenge that is set in your life , it was brought for a reason .

diagnostic radiologist

Diagnostic Radiologist

Duties & responsibilities:
Radiologists use medical imaging technologies, such as X-rays, CT scans and MRIs, to diagnose and make treatment decisions regarding patients' health problems. Radiologists are fully licensed physicians who complete at least eleven years of higher education, which includes an undergraduate degree program, Doctor of Medicine program and a residency. Additionally, all medical doctors must be licensed to practice. Many choose to become certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.
11 years of education, beginning with a bachelor's degree that is heavily weighted toward biology and physics requirements, such as a premedical degree. After completing the Medical College Admission Test and being admitted, prospective radiologists must complete four years of medical school in an accredited medical program. During this period, a prospective radiologist must sit for two United States Medical Licensing Examinations by the National Board of Medical Examiners. After graduating from medical school, prospective radiologists must complete a final medical licensing examination during the first year of their residency, or medical internship. Most residencies last 3-5 years, after which radiologists sit for examinations to become board certified.
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No , I would not like to work or study for this career because I don’t find it interesting or something that I would like to work and make a living for the rest of my life. Therefore, I wouldn’t like to have this job even though they salary is good , It doesn’t capture my attention into working for or with this.

Monday, December 1, 2014


Thanksgiving Day

On thanksgiving i had a dinner with my family , we had alot of food . Such as smashed potatoes , turkey , pumpkin pie, apple pie, salads , cheese cake . And many more from where those came from, i  had lots of fun with my newphew's , they forced me into plying hide and seek with them ,it was pretty fun . I learned how to balance myslef in a rope might sound weird but you tie a piece of rope to one tree and the end of the same rope to another tree , you then have to walk on it , without falling . Sounds easy but honestly it's hard , i think that my favorite part of the whole day was been able to spend it with them . Before thanksgiving i helped my mom cook what she was going to take to my aunt's house , just that the meat didn't finish cooking so we had to leave that at home , but we took what we had ready , on tuesday my sister was having a party to celebrate early thanksgiving because she wasn't going to school on thursday so all of the parents pinched in to buy food for all the kids. On monday , i stayed home watching movies and eating pizza , it was a trip because there was alot of movies to watch so i kept changing the channel back and forth , ha. On thursday night , when i was heading to my aunt's house one of my neighbors asked my mom to join her to her party with the rest of the neighbors , we didn't go though . I don't like that lady shes lowkey very annoying , after we got back from my aunt's house my neighbors party was still going , i think thier nocturnal because they stayed up all night . They made so much noise i fell asleep at 4am , wow . Friday morning , i was so sleepy but i had to wake up early becuiase i had to help my mom go to the grocery store , after we got back from the grocery store i baked a cake , and stayed in watching movies for the remaing of the day , until i went outside because my neighbor was calling me . Saturday , it was wack i didn't do anything . Sunday it was raining so , my parents decided to not go out because it was a really bad weather . Even though its helpful , since LA is running low on water . 


Student Success Statement 

Physical Fitness

" Physical fitness is not only one of the most important keys to a healthy body. It is the basic of dynamic and creative intellectual activity . The relationship between the soundness of the body and the activities of the mind is subtle and complex . Much is not yet understood but we do know what the geeks knew; that intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong."


 I think that what this quote is trying to tell us is that fitness can lead you on to many other benefits in life , your body will be strong and healthy . You will become more smarter in other words you will have more knowledge over things that you didn't put much notice in before . I also think that they are trying to persuade you into doing excercise because it will help you mantain a healthy and strong body.



Duties and responsibilities:
Cosmetic dermatology is a subfield of dermatology that serves individuals with aesthetic concerns. Cosmetic dermatologists provide medical and surgical treatments to people with problems such as bacterial or fungal infections, aging, acne, allergic reactions, unwanted hair, benign skin growths, and uneven skin pigmentation. They need to have completed also become board certified as dermatologists. Medical or osteopathy school, hold a medical license to practice, and have completed at least four years of additional training.
$202,468 for all Dermatologist.
Students interested in becoming dermatologists must first earn a bachelor's degree and then enroll in medical school. Upon graduation, they pursue specialized, experiential dermatology training. Finally, prospective dermatologists acquire formal certification in the field.
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No, I would not like to study for this career because I don’t find it interesting or something that I would want to make a living out of for the rest of my life, therefore I would not like to work in this career.

Thursday, November 20, 2014


Student Success Statement

" Kindness is the essence of greatness. "
Image result for joseph b. wirthlin

Joseph b. Wirthlin

I think that this quote is trying to say to us that you don't need alot of things to be happy all you need is kindness that you can give out to the world without expecting nothing in return , and that is something that will get you closer to greatness rather than all the money put together.


Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is a national holiday celebrated primarily in the United States and Canada as a day of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and the preceding year. Several other places around the world observe similar celebrations. It is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States and in the second Monday of October in Canada. Thanksgiving has its historical roots in religious. In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. For more than two centuries, days of thanksgiving were celebrated by individual colonies and states. It wasn’t until 1863, in the midst of the Civil War, that President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national Thanksgiving Day to be held each November.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Student Success Statement 

" If it is not right do not do it, if it is not true do not say it.."

Image result for marcus aurelius

Reflection: I think that this quote is trying to say that you know between the right and the wrong but if someone says something about you that's not true , don't go off on them trying to prove that they are wrong and that you are right , if the point is clear and you know it , you don't need to prove anything to anyone but yourself.

Dental assistant

Dental Assistant
Duties & Responsibilities:
The duties and responsibilities of a Dental Assistant is to take the patient to the room , hand the tools needed during the procedures, answering questions and request, helps dentist manage emergencies, helps keep a clean environment .
$23,550 - $47,580
Academic programs at community colleges, vocational schools, technical institutes, universities or dental schools.
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I would not like to be a Dental Assistant because I don’t find this career interesting or something I would like to make a living out of for the rest of my life , therefore I wouldn’t want to .

Friday, November 14, 2014

dental lab

Dental Lab Technician

Duties & responsibilities:
Dental Laboratory Technology is both a science and an art. Since each dental patient's needs are different, the duties of a dental laboratory technician are comprehensive and varied. Although dental technicians seldom work directly with patients, except under the direction of a licensed dentist, they are valuable members of the dental care team.
The salary of a dental laboratory technician depends primarily upon the skills demonstrated and responsibilities associated with the specific position and the geographic location of employment
Two year program at a community college, vocational school, technical college, university or dental school. Graduates of these programs receive either an associate degree or a certificate. There also are a few programs that offer a four-year baccalaureate program in dental technology.
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No, I would not like to be a Dental Lab Technician because I don’t find that career interesting nor does it gather my attention enough to work and make a living off it, therefore I wouldn’t work or study this career. 

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Student Success Statement

"It may make a difference to all eternity whether we do it right or the wrong way."

- James Freeman Clark

I think that this quote is trying to let us know that no matter what you do , even if its wrong or right it will make a difference eventually . It doesn't really matter how much effort we put into doing things , it will make a difference one way or other . Doing things the right way will only bring good things your way and make a change , doing it the wrong way will impact your life and make a difference either way .

veterans day

Veterans Day

The Veterans Day National Ceremony is held each year on November 11th at Arlington National Cemetery . The ceremony commences precisely at 11:00 a.m. with a wreath laying at the Tomb of the Unknowns and continues inside the Memorial Amphitheater with a parade of colors by veterans' organizations and remarks from dignitaries. The ceremony is intended to honor and thank all who served in the United States Armed Forces.November 11, 1918, is generally regarded as the end of “the war to end all wars.” Veterans Day has changed days and names but it has always been a day to honor those who serve their country.