

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Spring Break

Spring Break .

I can't wait for spring break , why because i don't want to have to wake up earlier everyday even though spring break is just like one week , for that one week alot of things can happen . I can go out to lots of places , sleep in late , wake up late , not have to worry about homework . And most importantly have fun , spring break is super short well its really better than not having it at all but i think summer is better . I think this because when its summer , nights get longer and well its really fun and there's more time to spend with your friends and family , it also means that your officially entering a new grade cause after summer break you go back to school and you have new teachers maybe new kids in your class and well you moved on to the next level of your life . I think that summer is one of the best times of the year of course not including all the other times that we also have breaks from school because lets be realistic school is very stressing having to be up so early , rushing through the morning , and having to sleep in super early to get enough sleep and homework! Oh my lord the homework , its like so stressing cause you know 8 hours at school is just not enough we still have to get homework , our brains are processing so much information that we start to forget what we learned the day before since we are totally learning something new the next day . These are like stating the obvious mainly because i like school , maybe i just don't like some classes or maybe yeah , i like the classes but the teacher . Sometimes the teachers could be one of the leading causes for you to be all stressed out , and sometimes they annyoingness irritates us as students and we just start to ignore them and that when they start to scream and do all these stuff sometimes us as students need like a therapy class or something . I honestly can't wait for spring break and for summer , im praying for time to go by faster because i really need a break from school , saturday and sunday are just not enough days to have a rest from school things , i can't catch up with all the shows i miss in just two days , in spring and summer all of that is possible.

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