

Tuesday, March 24, 2015



Duties & Responsibilities :
Medical librarians work in libraries or resource centers located in hospitals, research centers, or medical schools.. They do much of the work a typical librarian would do, such acquiring and cataloging books and assisting those who are using the library for research or educational purposes , but they work with health-related materials. Many provide information to families, working with medical staff to approve educational resources, or to collect data and manage newsletters. They also maintain day-to-day operations of the library, covering some basic administrative duties.
Education :
How do you become a medical librarian? You will need a bachelor’s of science degree in Library Science or Health Science. Many medical librarians have a master’s degree in Library Science, which you can also pursue if you have already earned a bachelor’s degree in a related field. Some programs offer combined degrees in library science and health informatics or health science. If you only have a library science degree, you will likely need some educational training in health sciences, as medical librarians need to understand medical references and be familiar with online medical databases.
Salary :
The average salary for a medical librarian is $52,759. 
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Reflection : 
No , i would not like to study for this career and the reason why is because i find it very boring maybe they pay well but i'm not interested in this type of career's.

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