

Monday, May 11, 2015

Nicest Man In The World

Nicest Man In The World :

 This one dude , working his shift at the airport found this tablet you must be thinking " hey i would of kept it " well guess what that wasn't all he found that day . Inside the case were so much money 13 thousand dollars to be exact . But guess what he did ? he gave the the money along with the tablet to a police officer in the airport who took it and contacted the owner . The owner came a few minutes or hours later to take it , but that wasn't all she decided to give this man 60 dollars just for doing the right thing ! But this story has a twist , the man didn't keep the money for himself , he decided to give it to some homeless people who he had seen before . He though they would most likely need it more than him . That isn't all , when the camera's asked him how he felt he got emotional . The owner of the airport compensated him with about 660-675 dollars . Hey who said doing the right thing doesn't get you something better .

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