

Thursday, April 23, 2015


Summary :

This video was impressive because you never really see a winning team lose to help the opposite team, but in this video they made this possible . Sara , a young girl who never in her life hit a home run did it two minutes before it ended . She didn't touch first base and ran back and injured herself , she hugged first base and stayed there her team was not allowed to help her but two girls from the opposite team stood up because they knew what had to be done . They asked if they could carry sara through out the whole four bases , hitting her left foot in each one of them. If was her first and her last time playing , central washington lost that game but sara lost her whole career to an injury . Western Oregon won the game 4-2 . The loosing team said they knew what had to be done and they did it , even though they lost that game . Sara says she doesn't know how to say thank you but she will never be thank you enough for what they did for her , she reached her goal even though in that game she lost her whole career .

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